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  • 英語課文《Iwantahotdog,please.》教學設計


    Unit 1 I want a hot dog, please. Function: Ordering food and drinkRecycling: simple present tenseLanguage: A: What do you want? B: I want a hot dog, please. A: How much is it? B: It’s thirteen dollar

  • 英語課文《Whatdoyouwanttoeat?》教學設計


    Unit 2 What do you want to eat? Function: What do you want to eat? I want a hamburger, please. What do you want to drink?Vocabulary: restaurant menuSong: What do you want to eat? Procedures: Step 1 Wa

  • 英語課文《We’regoingtohaveapicnic.》教學設計


    Unit 1 We’re going to have a picnic. Function: Deciding on what to doRecycling: simple future tense: be going toLanguage: When are we going to eat?           We’re going to eat at half past twelve.

  • 英語課文《It’sgoingtoraininHarbin.》教學設計


    Unit 2 It’s going to rain in Harbin. Function: Talking about the weather; make out a plan.Language: It’s going to rain in Harbin.           It’s going to be warm and sunny in Dalian.           What

  • 英語課文《Thesunisshining.》教學設計


    Unit 1 The sun is shining. Function: Describing a sceneRecycling: Present continuous tenseLanguage: I’m sending some photos.          The sun is shining. The birds are singing.Vocabulary: shine, ever

  • 英語課文《Iamlookingoutofthewindow.》教學設計


    Unit 2 I am looking out of the window. Function: Talking about something is happening.Language: I’m looking out of the window.           A man is wearing a big hat and raincoat.Vocabulary: train, win

  • 英語課文《I’mmakingDaming’sbirthdaycard.》教學設計


    Unit 1 I’m making Daming’s birthday card. Function: Talking about ongoing eventsRecycling: Present continuous tense; model can for abilityLanguage: Who can help me?          Sorry, I can’t. I’m ma

  • 英語課文《Theapplesarefallingdownthestairs.》教學設計


    Unit 2 The apples are falling down the stairs. Function: Talking about ongoing events, using can to discuss ability.Language: The apples are falling down the stairs.           Can he help? Yes, he can

  • 英語課文《Damingishavingabirthday.》教學設計


    Unit 1 Daming is having a birthday. Function: Talking about interrupted actions.Recycling: Present continuous tenseLanguage: Daming is having a birthday party.           Daming is playing the trumpet,

  • 英語課文《He’sridinghisbike,butit’sstartingtorain.》教學設計


    Unit 2 He’s riding his bike, but it’s starting to rain. Function: Talking about when one thing is being done another thing is happening.Language: He’s riding his bike, but it’s starting to rain.  

  • 英語課文《Iboughtyouthisbook.》教學設計


    Unit 1 I bought you this book. Function: Giving and taking presentsRecycling: Simple past tenseLanguage: I bought you this book.           Thank you. It looks interesting.           Who gave it to you

  • 《What’sitabout?》教學設計


    Unit 2 What’s it about? Function: Talking about the presents.Language:  I bought a book for you.            This book looks interesting. What’s it about?            It’s about animals.Vocabulary: s

  • 英語課文《ShenzhouVflewintospace》教學設計


    Unit 1 Shenzhou V flew into space. Function: Talking about past things.Recycling: simple past tenseLanguage: Shenzhou V flew into space with Yang Liwei.           Yang Liwei spent about twenty-one hou

  • 英語課文《Hespentabouttwenty-onehoursinspace》教學設計


    Unit 2 He spent about twenty-one hours in space. Function: Talking about past things and describe speciallyLanguage: He spent about twenty-one hours in space.           My mother and I saw my father o

  • 英語課文《HelenKeller》教學設計


    Unit 1 Helen Keller Function: Talking about or asking somebody’s past activitiesRecycling: simple past tense: what, why, where, whenLanguage: Helen Keller became blind and deaf.           She couldn’

  • 英語課文《HisnamewasLouisBraille》教學設計


    Unit 2 His name was Louis Braille. Function: Talking about one person’s whole life.Language: What was his name? When was he born?           Where was he born? What happened to him?           What did

  • 英語課文《What’sthematter》教學設計


    Unit 1 What’s the matter? Function: asking reasons and answeringRecycling: why and becauseLanguage: What’s the matter? Why are you laughing?Vocabulary: laugh, cup, understand, mistake Procedures: St

  • 英語課文《Becauseit’sgoingtorain》教學設計


    Unit 2 Because it’s going to rain. Function: using because answering the other person’s asking.Language: Why are you wearing a dress?           Because I’m going to go to the theatreVocabulary: hat

  • 英語課文《WearegoingtospeakChinese》教學設計


    Unit 1 We are going to speak Chinese. Function: Using simple future tense to describe own planRecycling: simple future tenseLanguage: Are you going to go to middle school this September?           Yes

  • 英語課文《Whatareyougoingtostudy》教學設計


    Unit 2 What are you going to study? Function: Continue to talking about going on to middle schoolLanguage: What are you going to study?           I’m going to study…Vocabulary: middle school, study,


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