辭行留言:向同學(xué)辭行-Saying Good-bye to a Classmate

辭行留言:向同學(xué)辭行-Saying Good-bye to a Classmate

辭行留言:向同學(xué)辭行-Saying Good-bye to a Classmate

Saying Good-bye to a Classmate
9:00 p. m., this day
Dear Lin Yun,
It's a pity that I didn't meet you when I called on you. I'll leave by plane tomorrow morning at 6:20. This is to say good-bye to you. I'll write to you from England as soon as I get there. Bye-bye!
Xiang Ying
辭行留言(message note to say good-bye/departure message)是人們在出差、上學(xué)、出國或調(diào)動時向親朋好友寫的告別留言。如果你登門告別時不遇,或在告別會上沒有見到某人時可寫一便條向其辭行。這種便條簡要地寫一兩句即可。