英語課文 《Module1Friends》教學設(shè)計

英語課文 《Module1Friends》教學設(shè)計

英語課文 《Module1Friends》教學設(shè)計


本模塊分兩單元Unit 1 She's a nice teacher.anUnit 2 He's cool. 整個模塊介紹了怎樣描述人物的性格特征?要求學生能夠用簡單的句子對好友的 性格、外形進行描述。同時復習了上學期學過的一些單詞fat thin small big tall short ,從而引出naughty shy nice clever等幾個新單詞。在本模塊中,出現(xiàn)了兩個表示程度的副詞a bit very,分別表示‘非?!汀幸稽c兒’可以修飾后面的形容詞,鼓勵學生在造句時使用適當?shù)母痹~。

      Module one


 Unit One She is a nice teacher教學設(shè)計


Teaching aims:This is Ms Smart . She's a nice teacher.

Teaching Importance and difficulties:How to describe?

Teaching tools:Recorder

Teaching steps:

 Step 1 : Warm up

 1) Sing a song.

 2)Simply greetings

 Step 2: Learning and Practising

 1)Listen and point

Tell the students open their books,and look at the first picture .Answer the teacher's question"Is this a dog?"The students respond.Now, I'm going to play the tape. I want you to listen and tell me who is nice?(The teacher plays the tape as many times as necessary.)Write the new words on the blackboard: nice shy clever naughty

The teachershould explain the neaning of these four words.nice: means pleasant.shy: means nervous and embarrassed,especially when you are with people you don't know.clever: means intelligent naughty: means badly behaved.Then the teacher should make statements containing those words.

 2)Listen and say

 Please look at Acitivity2.I'm going to play the tape again. This time I'm going to pause it after each person speaks. Then I want you to repeat the sentence.Then you will tell me thecorrect adjective to describe that person.(The teacher does more examples with the class and also with individual students.)

 3) Point and say

Look at Acivity3,the teacher holds up the book and points to the pictureofXiaoyong.Explain to the students that when we are some distance away fron an object or person, we must use 'that' instead of 'this'.And describes him/her/it usinga suitable adjective. The teacher monitors the dialogues.

Step 3: Homework Write the new words twice, and listen the tape carefully.



 unit 2 He's cool.教學設(shè)計


Teaching aims: This is my big brother.He's cool.

Teaching Importance and difficulties:How to describe?

Teaching tools:Recorder

Teaching steps:

 Step 1 : Warm up

 1) Sing a song.


Step2: Learning and Practising

 Open your books to Module1 unit 2,Look at the pictures. What can you see? Now, I'm going to play the tape. I want you to listen carefully and find out who is clever.(The teacher plays the tape as many times as necessary.)

 Now look at Acitivity2,please. Read the dialogue with a partner.(The students read the dialogue.)

 Now work with a partner,please. Student A tells Student Bto look at a character in Activity 1. Student Bdescribes that character using an adjective.(The students work in pairs and the teacher monitors the dialogues.)

 Step3: Homework

 Listen to the tape carefully and write the new words.
